#### If set to false all claim will be free

use-vault: true

###### Allow create this claims or not

allow-10-claim: true

allow-25-claim: true

allow-50-claim: true

allow-100-claim: true

##### Disable this if you have bungee chat ( players can't write the length and width)
allow-custom-claim: true

# The maximum claim a player can have
max-claim: 100

# Name of the worlds where you can claim
worlds-claimable: [world,stratos]

##### The permission needed to disable the spawn of phantoms ( worlguard extra flag) not implemented yet
permission-phantom: "advancedclaim.phantom"

##### Language : french, english
language: "french"

#### Claim price: (width*2 + length*2 )* multiplicateur
multiplicateur: 20

#### Max width and length a claim can have
max-length: 100
max-width: 100

#### Can a player have overlapping claims?

overlap-claim: true

#### Prefix before every message in the chat

prefix: "&c&l[SW-CLAIM]"

########## Default flags - This will preset worlguard flags to every new region/claim

allow-pvp: false
deny-pvp: false

allow-break-block: false
deny-break-block: false

allow-place-block: false
deny-place-block: false

allow-chest-access: false
deny-chest-access: false

allow-enderpearl-use: false
deny-enderpearl-use: false

allow-use: false
deny-use: false

allow-item-drop: false
deny-item-drop: false

allow-item-pickup: false
deny-item-pickup: false

allow-mob-spawn: false
deny-mob-spawn: false

allow-use-piston: false
deny-use-piston: false

allow-entry: false
deny-entry: false

allow-exit: false
deny-exit: false

allow-use-vehicle: false
deny-use-vehicle: false

allow-creeper-explosion: false
deny-creeper-explosion: false

allow-ravager-grief: false
deny-ravager-grief: false

allow-fire-spread: false
deny-fire-spread: false

allow-tnt: false
deny-tnt: false

allow-interact: false
deny-interact: false

deny-spawn-phantom: false