Why AdvancedClaim and not another plugin?

The plugin is compatible with any worlguard region, so it will be compatible with a lot of land plugins and there will be no problem to convert regions.Moreover the support is very available. ****

What is a Claim?

A claim is a protected [worlguard](https://worldguard.enginehub.org/en/latest/regions/#:~:text=WorldGuard lets you define named,flags%2C and a parent region.) region where only the owner can interact or build (or everyone added)

How to create a Claim ?

That's simple !

You need to be outside a region and do the **/claim command.**

It will shows you a menu with different size of claims.

Click on the desired size.

Then simply write the name of your claim in the chat.

Or type /claim create <name> and the menu with different size of claims will appear.

How to install the plugin ?

First of all you have to install the dependencies

Worlguard: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/worldguard

Vault: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/vault

After you download the advanced claim pluginYou modify the config.yml and if needed the language files